grammar : split 起来
April 09, 2008, 12:51 PM posted in General DiscussionWe know the Verb-起来 (qǐlai) construct, to start doing sth or an upward action. I can't quite remember the mnemonic John once mentioned but here's a few examples :
拿 (ná) to hold/ take | 拿起来 (ná qǐlai) to pick up |
站 (zhàn) to stand | 站起来 zhànqǐlai to stand up |
想 (xiǎng) to think | 想起来 (xiǎngqǐlai) to think of something |
听 (tīng) to listen; hear | 听起来 (tīng qǐlai) it sound like |
看 (kàn) to see; look at | 看起来 (kàn qilai) it looks as if |
This also works if the verb is a character compound, even an adjective, for instance
V/adj | V/adj+起来 |
行动 (xíngdòng) to act; take action | 行动起来 (xíngdòng qǐlai) to go into action |
工作 gōngzuò to work | 工作起来 (gōngzuò qǐlai) to start to work |
简单 (jiǎndān) simple | 简单起来 (jiǎndān qǐlai) to simplify |
But in some cases, you need to split the split the compound and weave 起来 in:
| V 起 O 来 |
板脸 bǎnliǎn v.o. show a poker/straight/stern face | 板起脸来 bǎnqǐ liǎn lai v.p. put on a poker face |
吃饭 chīfàn v.o. eat; have a meal | 吃起饭来 chīqǐ fàn lai v.p. start to eat |
发烧 fāshāo v.o. have a fever/temperature | 发起烧来 fāqǐ shāo lái r.v. start to have a fever |
开炮 kāipào v.o. aim criticism at sb. | 开起炮来 kāiqǐ pào lái v.p. start criticizing |
抬头 táitóu v.o. raise one's head | 抬起头来 táiqǐ tóu lái v.p. raise one's head |
The question is to know when it you can/need to do this. I made the mistake in another post with 翻译 (fānyì) to translate which cannot be split, *翻起译来 is incorrect, it must be 翻译起来。
I guess the rule is only a verb-object construct 动宾合词 (dòng-bīn hécí) can be split : V-O => V 起 O 来
April 09, 2008, 05:19 PM郭力毅 那,吃起饭来跟开始吃饭不一样吗?

April 09, 2008, 05:33 PM这个…
April 09, 2008, 11:39 PM你这么厉害!谢谢啊!

April 10, 2008, 03:55 AMHi goulniky, Good job, very well-organized!! 闻起来臭,吃起来香!(臭豆腐) 说起来简单,做起来难!(善行) 结婚 结过婚 结过两次婚 离婚 离过婚 离过三次婚 见面 见过面 见过一次面

April 10, 2008, 08:30 AM谢谢,goulniky! 关于臭豆腐,我中国朋友想知道在美国买不起买得起?我不知道,在美国从来都没去找,有知道的同学吗?

April 10, 2008, 08:59 AM在法过巴黎、英国伦敦、美国三番市或者纽约中国城里我从来闻不见。如果买得起,你当然闻得见,但虽然难闻,味道还可以!
April 09, 2008, 03:11 PMcasie gave some additional examples