wherefore art thou miantiao?

July 16, 2009, 08:54 AM posted in General Discussion

My friends, in the hall of warriors, there is an empty seat. There is a certain 又爽气又热情的好汉 who is not amongst us. Err... recently. You know who I mean. He is a stalwart and a worthy bro who hails from the Southern continent, and I believe he may even have been planning to go into kangaroo farming, (I gave him the idea though.) At times he may have inclined to the choleric, (indeed he and I once exchanged harsh words - me so dumb, how I wish I could take them back! ), but if so it was only ever because he had a big heart and an appetite for life. His enthusiasm for learning Chinese was second to none, and his passion for communication inspired us all. So now I ask, in our hour of need, with the sock puppets Romulans at the city gate, wherefore art thou miantiao? And I raise a glass of blood wine to you man wherever you are, may your kangaroos always get home.

P.S. Shakespeare fans will be on me like a ton of bricks for misusing the Bard's immortal words. Relax boys and girls, I know that 'wherefore' actually means 'why', that Juliet was asking 'oh why do you have to be called Romeo?' (I was forever trying to explain this to my ex-wife, who every time she couldn't get through to someone on the phone or a fave TV show started late used to call out this phrase, forever warping my view of womanhood in the process.) No look this thread is for drivel right, so I'll still ask 'wherefore' art thou miantiao! And it still works! Yes!

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July 16, 2009, 09:24 AM

Hmmm, perhaps miantiao is really an alter ego of baba? With all these schizoids running around who knows?

Mynash, I think you owe us a list of your split personalities. How many times did I discuss you with one of your other "yous", I want to know :-). It seems you are trapped in undecisiveness as you can not even pick a permanent name for your latest- "sock puppet" - "fear puppet" - "mynash has a little one" or whatever it is now. You must be a tortured soul.  Perhaps I should start another - JR whom with I could argue endlessly. My shadow self. Dr. Jung would be proud.

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July 25, 2009, 03:11 PM



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July 16, 2009, 09:46 AM

I can't tell you where he is (because I don't know).  But last I heard he was laying bricks near the Tropic of Capricorn.  I think he might be taking a break because he got sick of the low standard of 胡说! That would be ironic. 

I lokk forward to his return - his return can only lift our batting average..

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July 16, 2009, 10:03 AM

That concept of a shadow self is a fascinating one JR... sorry, I mean RJ. Let's take it for a spin. How do you know I'm not miantiao, or baba, or mynash?

How do you know I'm not pete? How do you know I'm not you?

Maybe Cpod has just a single user, who is also the creator, and maybe this learning Chinese business is some kind of dream anyway. Err... there was a good point trying to be made there somewhere!

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July 16, 2009, 10:20 AM


yep I get it, and there is only one sub-atomic particle in the enitre universe - it just travels really fast!

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July 16, 2009, 11:05 AM

I knew you'd understand, dude!

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July 25, 2009, 02:52 AM

ps RJ,

hehe,don't be silly mate.The discrepancy in Chinese if nothing else,should certainly show I'm not miantiao. :)

Actually,I much enjoyed this discussion,but after RJ's last comment said it all,what could I add? Well said guys,hehe.But what I would like to know,is why that one sub-atomic particle slows down appreciably when it gets in this neck of the universe?

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July 25, 2009, 03:05 AM

Just shows that even for sub-atomic particles, Chinese is hard! lol

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July 25, 2009, 04:16 AM

Hey miantiao,

Btw,the whole PM'ing system has changed while you've been gone.You need to go to your profile in the me section and enter your email address and preferences if you want to receive PM's..they have to go to your email mate.You should find one there from me.

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July 25, 2009, 04:33 AM

才知道,我英语很差  ,  完全看不懂  汗 - -

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July 16, 2009, 09:29 AM

<drivelmode = true> "You guys crack me up :-)"


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July 25, 2009, 09:03 AM

This has made my head hurt!

Are you saying that I am not who I think I am? That I may be someone else or worse, I am everyone or the only one or some sort of quark type thing? What happened to:

我 觉得 所以 我 是? (is 觉得 correct here?)

Can we have a separate group for heavy weight drivel please? I'll stick to the froth until my head clears.

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July 25, 2009, 09:18 AM


"我 觉得 所以 我 是?"



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July 25, 2009, 09:29 AM

cogito ergo sum 我思,故我在。

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July 25, 2009, 11:19 AM

Thank you Changye - Helpful as ever!

Although I'm still not sure who/if I am!!!

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July 25, 2009, 01:16 PM


check your profile, there are some hints in there.

Actually you are God, you created this video game (life) for your own amusment. You alone are real, everyone else - just figments of your imagination. Its kind of like that movie where the kid thinks he has a life, but its just a tv show or the star trek episode where they put a guy in a small box downloaded with enough space adventures and experiences to last him a lifetime. Im sure Raygo remembers better than I.

Good to see you again Minatiao.

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July 25, 2009, 02:23 PM

I am sitting here bored at the gate waiting for my flight to BeiJing And now I read through this creepy thread and realized that we are all nothing but ever recurring patterns continuesly blending into each others The names are misleading, hiding the bitter truth. We should use pattern/role names instead - e.g. the liinker, the vocab-hunter, the addon-resspurce producer, the greeter, the whiner, etc... And maybe it is not different in the physical realm. Identity as an illusion. I better continue with goulnik's news...

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July 25, 2009, 02:50 PM


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July 25, 2009, 02:53 PM

Henning you are so right, as you so often are. Why not share with us your list of all the pattern/pet names you have no doubt already been using; I for one will be more than happy to address everyone accordingly hereafter (and if by any chance you even had one for me--even if it were indubitably unflattering--not only would I accept, 
I would strive to live up to the role).
Bon voyage and 度假快了!

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July 25, 2009, 04:46 AM


放心!我也不知道 ‘sub-atomic particles'用中文怎么说。上面上下文连理语带特有科学词语都有咯!