Where is Cantoneasy?

July 31, 2008, 03:38 PM posted in General Discussion

Did I miss it?  Did Cpod change its mind?  Clay announced it a couple weeks ago but I still can't find it.  I loved him on the elementary lesson he did a few days ago and I think he would make a great host!

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August 02, 2008, 01:10 PM

I missed this announcement.  What was it going to be? 

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August 19, 2008, 03:11 PM

actually, I'm not missing it. Although I agree from experience that cantonesepod is strongly needed as cantonese learning material is scarce, I would rather see a separate site with it rather than wasting "our" ressources on it.

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August 03, 2008, 04:53 AM

Oh! I really want to learn Cantonese, pod-style... I hope it comes out soon......我等不及了!

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August 13, 2008, 03:25 PM

I support your comments 100%!


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August 13, 2008, 03:54 PM

i want Shanghaineasy.

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August 13, 2008, 03:57 PM

I don't know if I am up to the challenge of learning another language at this point. I know Latin and Chinese and as different as they are, I still have to force myself to keep them straight (only rarely, now). Imagine how much trouble I would have keeping straight two similar languages, of the same mother language (sino-tibetan) no less. I need to become fluent in one language at a time I think. I have infinite respect for anybody who can learn more than one language at once and keep them straight 100% of the time.


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August 16, 2008, 03:58 AM

I am from Guangdong,China.

so i can speak fluent Cantonese.

aha..anyone want to learn it?

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August 16, 2008, 07:22 AM

I want Cantonese!!! 

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August 02, 2008, 02:01 PM

The Catoneasy show was announced in the latest News and Features podcast.  In the comments section of that podcast, John mentions that Catoneasy has been temporarily postponed since Clay has left CPOD.

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August 17, 2008, 05:25 AM

no matter - try Naked Cantonese

I listened to a few of the early podcasts - they are fun:



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August 17, 2008, 05:36 AM

Thanks for the link, mikeinnewshot! 多謝, or in Cantonese: 唔該你(m goi nei).:)

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August 17, 2008, 09:15 AM


Et tu brute? (Now they have lost even you?).

 Aren't you the guy that reminded me of John's promise? 

Have you joined the "negative lot" that heretofore received only disdain from you?

Truth be told, I am hoping it goes forward somehow, I would like very much to have a few bite sized chuncks of Cantonese to chew on. I think you would too.


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August 17, 2008, 10:01 AM

Thanks Mike.

I actually have the first set of Pimsleur Cantonese DVD's. They are pretty good as far as "tapes" go, but nothing rises to the CPOD level. It was enough to satisfy my curiosity though. I love the sound of Cantonese. I also have an entire season of a HK TV show called the young and dangerous - also interesting even if it is a few years old. The best was a short video Bazza sent me of Shu Qi speaking Cantonese in one of her movies.

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August 17, 2008, 11:54 AM


So how is Shu Qi's Cantonese?

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August 17, 2008, 01:28 PM

Xiaohu, Im no expert, but it sounded good to me.:-)

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August 16, 2008, 09:22 AM

It's never going to happen.