把 (介)need examples please - repost
October 28, 2009, 08:39 PM posted in General Discussion
Hello everybody,
i bought a new exercise book yesterday, with several sentance build, use vocab, find mistakes in chinese sentances, write character...exercises.
In one of these sentances 把 ba3 was used as a measure word, and then there was a note that there is another use for 把:
"used when the object goes before the verb, which must be reduplicated or accompanied by some other word or expression"
I never had this before, i think, and i dont really understand the explanation...
Can anybody help me with examples and explanations or link me to a cPod lesson where it is used like this? i couldnt find one by now..
thanks, 格桑
Posted by gesang April 27, 2008 .
henning says
April 27, 2008
把-construction | In: C0284 | 把-construction (here: 我们会把我们所有的爱都给她) | related |
把-construction | In: C0360 | 把-construction (here: 这五个福娃把奥运文化和中国传统文化完美地结合在了一起。) | related |
把-construction | In: C0579 | 把 + N + 当+ N+ V. | related |
把-construction | In: C0623 | 把-construction (here: 好多老板都把工作推给员工) | related |
把-construction | In: C0669 | 把-construction (here: 你居然把它当做爱好) | related |
把-construction | In: C0710 | 把-construction and the need to use it with 2-characters verbs (here"我再把碗洗掉") | related |
把-construction | In: C0725 | the 把-construction and the tendency to enlarge the corresponding verb, e.g. 收集 --> (here: 起来 你可以把想学的词收集起来) | In: C0725 | complement 起来 in 收集起来and its role in the 把-construction | related |
把-construction | In: C0757 | the 把-construction and the need to complement the accompaning verb (here: 把 - 找 + 出来) |
wildyaks says
April 27, 2008
wildyaks says
April 27, 2008
gesang says
April 27, 2008
lunetta says
April 27, 2008
pokkpokk says
April 27, 2008
pokkpokk says
April 27, 2008
chillosk says
April 27, 2008
gesang says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
gesang says
April 27, 2008
rjberki says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
wei1xiao4 says
April 27, 2008
pokkpokk says
April 27, 2008
henning says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 27, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 27, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 27, 2008
changye says
April 28, 2008
henning says
April 28, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 28, 2008
wei1xiao4 says
April 28, 2008
cassielin says
April 28, 2008
trevelyan says
April 28, 2008
changye says
April 28, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 28, 2008
gesang says
April 28, 2008
changye says
April 28, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 28, 2008
cassielin says
April 28, 2008
pokkpokk says
April 28, 2008
changye says
April 29, 2008
cassielin says
April 29, 2008
light487 says
April 29, 2008
pituitaryadenoma says
April 29, 2008
pokkpokk says
April 29, 2008
wuyuqinyue says
April 20, 2009
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