Say It Right Series

A High Profile Couple's Romance and Chinese Views on Divorce and Dating a Younger Man

Chinese entertainment royalties Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse had been making news ever since they first started dating more than 10 years ago. Both highly accomplished in their own right, their relationship was also highly controversial because of the 10-year age difference (she's older). After breaking up and each getting married and later divorced respectively, they recently rekindled their romance which gathered even more attention. This week we talk about how their relationship reflected Chinese views on divorce, life after divorce and women dating younger men.

Keywords and phrases used in the show: 

娱乐界 yú lè jiè:showbiz

个性 gè xìng:personality

姐弟恋 jiě dì liàn:love affair between an older woman and a yonger man

分手 fēn shǒu:break up

狗仔队 gǒu zǎi duì:paparazzi

女大三,抱金砖 nǚ dà sān ,bào jīn zhuān:mature wife ensure you a joyful life

参与 cān yǔ:to participate

相亲 xiāng qīn: blind date

剩女 shèng nǚ: leftover woman

钻石王老五 zuàn shí wáng lǎo wǔ: golden bachelor

80后 bā líng hòu: generation born in 80's

重组家庭 chóng zǔ jiā tíng: reconstituted family

第二春 dì èr chūn: refreshment

破碎家庭 pò suì jiā tíng: a broken family

单亲家庭 dān qīn jiā tíng: a single-parent family

人民调解员 rén mín tiáo jiě yuán: the people's arbirators

分分合合 fēn fēn hé hé: on-again-off-again relationship

Download Show: mp3

Published by David Xu @ October 15, 2014.

Important Chinese Things with Jenny Zhu

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