Say It Right Series

Taiwanese National Day, Hong Kong and Ebola

Today we talk about 双十节 shuāng shí jiē, the day that commenmorates the founding of the Republic of China in 1911. Don't miss the show as our hosts from both sides of the straits get into some fascinating discussion about the history and relations between the Repubic and People's Republic of China. 

Following are the keywords used in this podcast:

双十节 shuāng shí jiē: Double-Ten Day
国庆日 guó qìng rì: National Day
国民党 guó mín dǎng: Chinese Nationalist Party
纪年 jì nián: chronology
外省人 wài shěng rén: Mainlanders
原住民 yuán zhù mín: Aborigine
蓝营 lán yíng: Blue Camp
绿营 lǜ yíng: Green Camp
戒严 jiè yán: martial law
崇拜 chóng bài: adore
民国 mín guó: The Republic of China
五四运动 wǔ sì yùn dòng: May Fourth Movement in 1919
中山装 zhōng shān zhuāng: Sun Yat Sen's uniform
诗意 shī yì: poetic
占领中环 zhàn lǐng zhōng huán: Occupy Central
安居乐业 ān jū lè yè: live and work in peace and contentment
稳定 wěn dìng: stable, steady
地球仪 dì qiú yí: terrestrial globe
口罩 kǒu zhào: face mask
埃博拉 āi bó lā: Ebola (virus)
雾霾 wù mái: smog
传染病 chuán rǎn bìng: infectious disease

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Published by David Xu @ October 22, 2014.

Important Chinese Things with Jenny Zhu

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