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选股策略 Advanced PREMIUM

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选股策略 Advanced PREMIUM

还记得上一堂课提到的选股专家“孙太”吗?这一课我们特地做了一篇“前传”来让大家听听她的选股策略,除此之外,还要让大家听听怎么用中文在一般社交场合上赞美别人。 In last week's lesson we heard how the stock market drastically changed the life of “孙太” and how he vowed never to return to the stock exchange again. In today's prequel we hear what “孙太” was like before the event and learn how to use flattery in Chinese to get the answers you want from someone and how to politely decline someone's questions.

Constance Fang, Fiona Tian
stock market, asking questions
turn of events

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