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How to Say 'Probably' in Chinese Qing Wen PREMIUM

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  • How to Say 'Probably' in Chinese Qing Wen PREMIUM

      In today's Qing Wen video lesson, we teach the Mandarin Chinese for the different ways to say "probably." Much like in English, using slightly different terms can change the likelihood of something happening, and in this lesson, we show you the three most common ways of expressing this. 大概 (dàgài) has the highest likelihood of something happening, 可能 (kěnéng) is about a 50% or higher chance, and 恐怕 (kǒngpà) is also likely to happen, but the important thing is not the percentage, but rather that the outcome is an undesirable event. A top tip is that the final word in 恐怕 (kǒngpà) has the character for "scared" in it, so you don't want this thing to happen. With 大概 (dàgài), dà means big, and gài means approximation, so a "big likelihood." After today's lesson you should "probably" be a lot more confident when speaking Chinese, and you'll definitely know which one is most suitable for the situation. If you have any questions, particularly about the rather tricky 恐怕 (kǒngpà), just leave a comment and we will try and get back to you.

    Constance Fang, Fiona Tian
    video, probably, maybe
    expressing degree

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