Get Your Mandarin Studies Back on Track with these Three Tips
I started learning Mandarin when I was 14, and I’m about to turn 22 years old. Based on the sheer number of years I’ve been studying Mandarin, you’d think I’d be at an advanced skill level.
In reality, I’d place my Chinese literacy and fluency at a lower intermediate skill level. My main problem? Sporadic gaps that I have taken over the course of my Chinese education. I never really kept up with learning the language during summer breaks in high school, and in college I took a few semesters off from my Chinese courses.
These breaks proved to be very costly. When I’d finally gotten back into the groove of taking classes again, I’d sometimes find myself drowning because my foundation with the basics is quite shaky.
This happens to all of us, though. We go through ups and downs, turbulent times versus peaceful times, and as a result, it can be easy to get derailed in learning a language. As someone who has faltered in the past, I wanted to share with you three tips I’ve learned for getting back into the swing of learning Chinese after you’ve taken a break.