Studying for the Chinese Proficiency Test? This playlist is meant to boost your vocabulary in preparation for the HSK 1. This lesson collection is for any student that wants to kick start their learning to take the exam.
For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 1 = 150 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can understand and use some simple Chinese characters and sentences to communicate, and prepares them for continuing their Chinese studies. In HSK 1 all characters are provided along with Pinyin.
Are you ready to take HSK 2? You'll need an excellent grasp of introductory Chinese and be able to communicate simple and routine tasks that require an exchange of information.
For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 2 = 300 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can use Chinese in a simple and direct manner, applying it in a basic fashion to their daily lives. In HSK 2 all characters are provided along with Pinyin.
Progressing to HSK 3 Chinese Proficiency Examination?
This list is for any student that wants to kick start their learning and attempt the HSK 3 exam. For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 3 = 600 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can use Chinese to serve the demands of their personal lives, studies, and work, and are capable of completing most of the communicative tasks they experience in both written and oral form. This level consists of listening, reading and writing. All characters are provided without Pinyin.
HSK 4 Chinese Proficiency Examination Ready? If so, you'll be able to communicate in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to speak fluently with native Chinese speakers in a conversational manner.
This list is for any student that wants to kick start their learning and attempt the HSK 4 exam. For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth post in the forum.
Are you a Mandarin Master? The HSK 5 Proficiency Exam is for students who can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays and give a full-length speech in Chinese. You should have mastered 2,500 commonly used words and related grammar patterns. The test consists of Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension and Writing. 145 dialogues, covers 83% of the characters in HSK5.
Of 621 characters in HSK 5, 518 are covered here. The 103 characters that
aren’t covered are:
For more information on how Edsko picked these lessons, please read his in-depth post in the forum here.
Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him the test.