Say It Right Series

HSK Level 3 Vocabulary


Progressing to HSK 3 Chinese Proficiency Examination?

Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him for the listening portion of the test.

This list is for any student that wants to kick start their learning and attempt the HSK 3 exam. For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.

HSK 3 = 600 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can use Chinese to serve the demands of their personal lives, studies, and work, and are capable of completing most of the communicative tasks they experience in both written and oral form. This level consists of listening, reading and writing. All characters are provided without Pinyin.

Your turn to pay! Pre Intermediate


Don't Litter Pre Intermediate

etiquette, jobs

Toothache Pre Intermediate

teeth, greetings

A Snake Discovery Pre Intermediate

snake, animals

No Tampons?! Pre Intermediate
