The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

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南海一号 Media

南宋沉船“南海一号”整体打捞成功,这艘充满神秘色彩的古船也从海底搬到了新居“水晶宫”。古船的考古价值,以及一同出水的古代珍宝的价值当然是不容置疑的,但看到价值的背后也引发出一些令人担忧的问题:比如海洋文物的保护。一起来看这个2007年末人们关注的焦点吧。 来源链接:警惕"南海一号"后的寻宝热 | 媒体MP3文件


No Kidding Elementary

It may seem quaint or funny, maybe even a little melodramatic, but when you need it and find yourself flailing in the green, oolong, bubble tea sea... your coffee compulsion is no joke. When desperation begins to lead you down the path to instant Folgers, a $10 cup of coffee may just be what stands between you and the point of no return. Listen to this podcast, and learn to pay the price of dependency, in Mandarin Chinese.

travel, town and city

#33 Movie Madness

Aaaaw yeah, a Movie Madness with some great vocab about substitute teachers and all that sorta fun stuff. This week a chance to escape the grind of romantic comedies and epic dramas with a comedy movie. Listen in and compete for the best prize of all... a one month free premium membership to ChinesePod! Leave your guesses at Amber or Clay's profile... you have one whole week to mull this one over!

大智若愚 Advanced


internet, media, YouTube, video

Getting Your Hair Done Intermediate

Inspired by actual events: a young woman's twenty-seven traumatic breakdowns after China hair salon debacles. This Chinese lesson is your hair intervention. In this podcast, save yourself from becoming just another casualty of the dreaded over-zealous scissors... avert the blight of bad hairdos, in Mandarin.

appearance, fashion, preferences

Extreme Chinese - 不得了 (bùdéliǎo) Qing Wen

Today on Qing Wen, we go crazy with a great word. The three of us always love to pepper our Chinese with a little drama! Now you can too, as we give a few tips on going over-the-top with a word called: 不得了 (bùdéliǎo). You're gonna love it 得不得了 (de bùdéliǎo)!

Bumming a Smoke Newbie

Your doctor tells you to quit, the surgeon general's cancer warning on the pack kinda freaks you out, but the artist in you can't get those wispy smoke-filled 'In the Mood for Love' scenes out of your mind. You didn't come to the only place on the planet where smoking in pubs hasn't been banned yet for no reason. This is your last hurrah. In this podcast, learn how to bum a cigarette from a stranger in Mandarin Chinese.


好莱坞大片 Advanced

细数07年的电影,好莱坞这个制造大片的梦工厂依旧是好片不断,值得看一看,评一评。 你喜欢看什么类型的电影?卡通片?动作片?还是言情片?07年的好莱坞大片你看了哪些呢,哪几部给你留下了最深刻的印象?一起来学习,并分享你的感受吧。

film, people, Hollywood, Pixar, animation

Too Picky Elementary

You may feel that it is your God-given right to not have the eyes of your shrimp staring back at you from the plate. Or that bones in your fish are nothing but a potential throat-lodging disaster. But keep in mind, there are others in distant lands who feel that chewing a bagel with cream cheese has a texture like snot smeared onto a worn out shoe sole. So don't be picky... and listen to this Chinese lesson to hear how fussy sounds in Mandarin.

food, preferences, personality

The Non-Chinese Speaking Tourist and Toilets Dear Amber

This week we have a visitor stop by from America. Elliot doesn't know a word of Chinese, so listen as he tells us his experience of China through the eyes of a complete newbie! Can you get around? Can you communicate? Do you really need to take a tour or can you make it on your own? He fills us in. Plus, we answer a question on the toilet experience in China, squat vs. western... can we find a common ground? Don't forget to visit the comments section and share your own toilet, tourism, or combination of both, experiences.

Lost Cell Phone Intermediate

There's nothing more traumatic than losing your cell phone. That is, until some good Samaritan dials the 'home' number and calls your wife, and lets her know he's found your phone in the back of a taxi outside of a nightclub in Shanghai… especially after you told her you were 'just working late at the office.' In this podcast learn how to handle the trauma of losing your cell phone in Mandarin Chinese.


After You Newbie

It's only been rumored to have ever happened in this city once, and that was from a Canadian tourist who was visiting from the Niagara falls region, and to this day we haven't found any witnesses to confirm this ever took place. In this podcast, a model lesson in Mandarin Chinese from a model world where chivalry is not dead. And if it's not dead... someway, somehow, somewhere, it could happen to you too...


#32 Movie Madness

We're back with a great movie that most girls (and maybe guys too) can relate to. A little neurotic romance and some great dialogue to go with it. That's hint enough for all of you! Sit back, and come on our Movie Madness journey this week. A great prize too! Send your guesses to Amber or Clay's profile and keep your fingers crossed.

Bad Service Restaurant Upper Intermediate

Cold tea, warm water, sticky menu, dirty chopsticks, and why in the world won't they bring the stinking rice--isn't this CHINA?! You're starting to recall why it was you don't tip as your 'fuwuyuan' shriek is drowned out by the clamor of the raucous beer-swilling luncheoners beside you. You are not alone. Listen to this lesson and learn how to stand up and yell for the waiter without shame.


Preparing for the Heat Elementary

When you come to Beijing in August for the Olympics, you'll meet a sea of umbrellas and wonder if you watched the wrong weather report. If the Chinese know one thing, it's how to stay out of the heat. Listen to this podcast for a Mandarin lesson on how to keep your cool... even when you get a spoke in the eye due to haphazard umbrella management.

Olympics, weather

Using Verbs 不出来 , 得出来 Qing Wen

Now we all forget names, voices and faces, but perhaps before we didn't quite know how to explain it in Chinese. Well, thanks to this wonderful resultative complement, verb 不出来 (bu chūlai) verb 得出来 (de chūlai) and your three friends at Qing Wen, you'll have no problem making out this grammar structure!


Singapore Intermediate

Manicured landscape, clean streets, not a piece of trash in sight, humidity... no, you're not at Disneyworld, but you might as well be... it's the most sterile city in the world, Singapore. Cliches aside, it's another cool place you can go and try out your Mandarin skills. Listen to this podcast, and get practicing-la. Or just go to Disneyworld... there's Chinese people there too--they love Minnie.

location, travel, town and city

丈夫拒绝签字手术 Media

怀孕的妻子生病,大人和胎儿均有危险,但身为丈夫和父亲,为什么不让医生为妻子施行剖腹产手术,一直拒绝在手术单上签字呢?是脑子有毛病还是另有隐情?关注这条令人痛心的新闻,发表一下你的想法吧。 来源链接:丈夫拒绝签字手术 | 媒体MP3文件

medicine, health, actions

The Final Jizhou Pieces Upper Intermediate

Taking a lesson from the other go-on-forever saga of 'lost' people, we have decided to conclude this story without opening the hatch. Tune in to today's podcast, where all is revealed, without a single polar bear sighting. Learn in Mandarin Chinese about what really was going down in Jizhou, and put to bed for all time those disturbing flute arias.

people, Jizhou Series

Trip to the Chinese Doctor and a Special Guest Dear Amber

This week on Dear Amber a fun trip to the Chinese Medicine Doctor, where you'll find so much that will intrigue and entertain you... and make sure to take your medicine! Plus, we have a special interview with one of our poddies who hails from Austin, Texas--Professor Orlando R. Kelm, from the University of Texas at Austin, who shares some interesting insights into the Chinese people's view of doing business with Americans. Enjoy!