The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

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土飞机上天 Media

看着飞行员驾驶飞机,你羡慕吗?听到美国、俄罗斯、中国的航天员进入了太空,你向往吗?如果你够富有,你就可以进行一次奢侈的太空旅行。那么如果你够聪明,你会有自己造一架飞机的念头吗?你有勇气驾驶它飞一圈吗?别奇怪,有人这样做了。在中国的浙江有一部分人带着这样的 “飞天”梦想勇敢地“飞”起来了。 来源链接:浙江“土飞机上天”涉嫌非法飞行 | 媒体MP3文件

法律, 新闻,

The Doggy Bag Elementary

Oh sure – you come over with a good 6 inches on the average Chinese person, thinking that half-a-foot will make you the leader in FAT (Food Acquisition Tolerance), but that egg you’re eyeing is about to be on your face. They can put it away; you can’t. So either concede culinary conquest, or hide behind that doggy bag. You don’t know how to ask for one in Mandarin? We do. Listen to this podcast to learn how.


古怪食物 Advanced


diet, ethics, Chinese medicine

Views on the News Upper Intermediate

“CCTV” is all the news here – not the “When Russell Crowe Goes Bad” type of CCTV, but the actual conglomerate of news stations. If you live here, you’ll learn to love it… well, most of it (read: Dashan adverts). So how about a newsworthy lesson in Mandarin Chinese on viewing habits? In this podcast, you’ll learn to talk about the tube, as well as learn how to talk about some current events in Mandarin Chinese.


How embarrassing! Elementary

Yes – we’ve prepared you for the language side of things, but there are some situations that just can’t be prepared for (see: using an “Eastern toilet” in a cocktail dress). So perhaps being able to react appropriately would at least slow down that rush of red to your cheeks? In this podcast, we’ll aid you in admitting embarrassment in Mandarin Chiense.

food, feelings

MBA在中国的发展 Advanced


MBA, business, education, study, career, 教育, 商务

No, thank you! Newbie

Any stroll down Wangfujing or Nanjing Lu will tell you the shops aren’t the only ones selling. Constant “hallo!’s” tailed with “bag?” “watch?” and “DVD?” will follow you no matter what you do to escape. So, either learn how to walk faster, master the “laowai lookaway,” or simply find a brilliant podcast that will teach you “no, thank you”, in Mandarin Chinese.


Cooking Wings Intermediate

Granted, it goes against everything we stand for (at least the Southern boy Granted, it goes against everything we stand for (at least the Southern boy who writes these), but in today’s oh-so-spicy podcast, we fire up the grammar grill and invite you to sit down, have a cold “pijiu” and join us as we give you a step-by-step lesson in Mandarin Chinese on how to cook wings – Chinese style.


Too expensive! Newbie

We know you would *never* lower yourself to buying a “Rolax” here and passing it off as an original for someone’s birthday, but we’re sure that “friend of yours” will. So how to politely suggest that the opening bid might be a bit out of your range? A lesson on acting incensed by the price could save you a few “jiao.” In this podcast, learn how to tell someone “it’s too expensive” in Mandarin Chinese.

shopping, numbers

黑客和电脑病毒 Advanced


犯罪, 电脑, 网络, crime, computers, network, Internet, hacker, virus, anti-virus

Pets Elementary

Granted, most dogs here look like they chase parked cars, but that doesn’t stop them from being a part of the family. In this podcast, learn how to talk to fellow pet-lovers about your pet, in Mandarin Chinese. Explaining to them that dogs actually *don’t* make the sound “wang-wang” is up to you.


Discussing Photography Upper Intermediate

While it might come as a shock to you that “bunny ears” are not considered “photographically sound,” we’re sure that your composition and lighting are spot on. So, let’s see you follow a Mandarin lesson on the basic rules of the lens. In this podcast, learn to talk about the techniques and art of photography, using Mandarin Chinese. (Any photoshopping of John’s head to make it seem bigger than his body will result in water torture)


中国企业国际化 Advanced


business, economy, brand, company, globalization

What is this called? Newbie

Not that you’d ever find yourself in a position to identify what something is (this said we we’re still recovering from the “calf brain” we unknowingly tried last weekend), but should you wish to identify before ingesting, you might (burp) benefit from a lesson on asking what something is. In this podcast, learn how to ask what something is in Mandarin Chinese.


Skincare: Sunscreen Elementary

Fact: Should you ever get away to the gorgeous town of Qingdao, you might be amazed at how many people aren’t on the beach during the day. Tan is most certainly *not* the new black here (read: umbrellas held while cycling). So, in this podcast, learn how to ask for sunscreen, using Mandarin Chinese.

weather, shopping

北京奥运会的筹备 Advanced


Beijing, Olympics, sports, media, propaganda

Teaching English in China Intermediate

Ken’s done it. John’s done it. Jenny still does it. (Aric padded his C.V. to make it look like he did it). You might do it. Any guesses? (Besides modeling, of course). It would be the world of English teaching--and a conversation that you will find yourself in. In this podcast, you will learn lots of useful vocabulary about English teaching jobs in China, except that you will be talking about it in Mandarin Chinese.

education, jobs

I'm here for an interview Newbie

You walk in, use your previously learned ChinesePod lessons to give the secretary your name and a quick “ni hao.” She does the same. What comes next? Most would think a reason for being there, but unless you thrive on those uncomfortable international moments (see: lesson on “Where is the Toilet Paper”), pay attention to this podcast, wherein you will learn how to tell someone that you’ve arrived for an interview, using Mandarin Chinese.

business, introductions, greetings

网络游戏 Advanced


internet, games, addiction, family, study, hobbies, fun

Traditional Residences Upper Intermediate

In the north, you’ll find yourself in a maze of “hutongs.” In Shanghai it’s the “longtang.” In this podcast, we’ll open the regional door and lead you through the ChinesePod courtyard in a tale of two city abodes. You will learn about the styles of housing and streets in old China, and how to talk about them using Mandarin Chinese

history, location, culture