Topics: gentle tone at first, originally
Level: Upper Intermediate
Topics: to get to the bottom of gentle tone
Topics: gentle tone 反而 (fǎn'ér)
Topics: gentle tone 既然(jìrán)
Level: Intermediate
Topics: 并 (bìng) gentle tone 向来 (xiànglái)
Topics: gentle tone exclamations being tactful
Topics: 实在 (shízài) gentle tone 不然 (bùrán) 基本/基本上(jīběn/ jīběnshang)
Level: Advanced
Topics: of course gentle tone 一(yī)......就(jiù)......
Topics: gentle tone 不仅(bùjǐn)......,而且(érqiě)......
Topics: gentle tone 难道 (nándào)
Topics: originally gentle tone both... and
Topics: gentle tone turn of events 用于列举 average, normal To rely on, to depend on
Topics: 而且(érqiě) after some deliberation gentle tone
Topics: gentle tone 除非(chúfēi)
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