Topics: also 很 (hěn) yes-no question marker
Level: Newbie
Topics: to judge to be to have yes-no question marker
Topics: to have yes-no question marker expressing choice 个 (gè)
Topics: yes-no question marker question particle expressing choice
Topics: to have yes-no question marker what 个 (gè)
Topics: yes-no question marker
Topics: 真 (zhēn) yes-no question marker 个 (gè)
Topics: to judge to be yes-no question marker
Topics: to judge to be yes-no question marker expression of politeness
Topics: also yes-no question marker question particle
Topics: 想 (xiǎng) yes-no question marker inviting and hiring
Topics: 真 (zhēn) softening commands yes-no question marker
Level: Elementary
Topics: softening commands yes-no question marker conceding
Topics: 靠 (kào) yes-no question marker
Topics: 在 (zài) yes-no question marker
Topics: yes-no question marker know how to
Topics: conjecture yes-no question marker
Topics: to want yes-no question marker what
Topics: 不 (bù) there is yes-no question marker
Topics: 不 (bù) yes-no question marker
Topics: 一下 (yīxià) yes-no question marker what
Topics: still 没有 (méiyǒu) yes-no question marker
Topics: 很 (hěn) to want yes-no question marker
Topics: to judge to be yes-no question marker question particle
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