Topics: 太 (tài) 怎么样 (zěnmeyàng)
Level: Elementary
Topics: 太 (tài) indicating result by what means
Level: Newbie
Topics: 太 (tài) tone of admiration
Level: Pre Intermediate
Topics: 太 (tài) 那(nà)/那么(nàme)
Level: Intermediate
Topics: 太 (tài) having the experience of
Topics: 太 (tài) softening commands
Topics: 太 (tài) 一下 (yīxià) referencing a noun 一点儿 (yīdiǎnr)
Topics: 太 (tài) expressing certainty
Topics: 太 (tài) reduplication of verbs 适合(shìhé)
Topics: all 太 (tài) softening commands
Topics: 太 (tài) 比较 (bǐjiào) 最 (zuì)
Topics: 太 (tài) 最 (zuì) still know how to
Topics: 太 (tài) can, may
Topics: 太 (tài) also question particle how many
Topics: 太 (tài) 一点儿 (yīdiǎnr) 麻烦(máfan)
Topics: all 太 (tài)
Topics: 太 (tài) firm determination softening commands 应该(yīnggāi)
Topics: 太 (tài)
Topics: 太 (tài) expressing possibility or appraisal 怎么样 (zěnmeyàng)
Topics: 太 (tài) softening commands modifying a noun exclamations
Topics: 太 (tài) to think (that)
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