The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

Latest Lessons

Homesick Elementary

It’s hard enough explaining “biscuits and gravy” to other countries, not to mention missing mom and her kitchen. So, when that long face is chewing on something from a cow’s face, how to save face and face up to the fact that you’re homesick? Listen to ChinesePod, of course – the most nurturing of all podcasts, and learn how to talk about good old home using Mandarin Chinese.

family, feelings, questions

孔子标准像 Media

你认识孔子吗?你知道孔子的长相吗?生活在两千五百多年以前的孔子到底是什么样子的,至今还是一个谜。如果你获得了一个画出你心目中的孔子的机会,你会把我们的“孔圣人”画成什么样子呢?最近,中国孔子基金会发布了孔子标准像,当然这一做法也引来了不少的争议。 来源链接:中国孔子基金会:发布孔子标准像不是商业行为(图) | 媒体MP3文件


Thirsty for Water Newbie

So, you’re thirsty… for water. Now, believe it or not, some shopkeepers will give you tea when you ask for water. In fact, others will even offer up OJ! But you need some H20 and you need it now! Parch no more – it’s a ChinesePod podcast to quench that burning throat…and desire to…(ahem)…learn Mandarin Chinese.

preferences, food

外商的中国之路 Advanced


中西, 商务, business, bureaucracy, law, investment,

The Cocktail Party Upper Intermediate

As we’ve mentioned before, people that listen to ChinesePod are cool. Cool people attend cool functions, like cocktail parties. Cool people also schmooze--and who wouldn’t be flattered by flattery done in Mandarin Chinese? No one, that’s who. In this podcast, learn how to be the perfect guest we know you can be, and woo them all with your charms.

appearance, etiquette

Mysterious Visitor Elementary

Picture this: it’s a dark night, and someone’s all tucked in. Alone in the house, each creak seems to come directly at her. So when the doorknob starts to rattle, what happens? A Mandarin Chinese lesson, that’s what…Listen in to this podcast and learn how to be able to discern who it really is pounding at your door. Premium subscribers will learn how to say, “The calls are coming from inside the house, mmmmwwwaaaaa haaaa haaaa.”

location, emotions

A Startled Friend Newbie

“BOO!” Bet you don’t know what to say to that, do ya? We do, and today we’ll teach you the correct response…In this podcast, you will learn how to both be the scare-er and the scare-ee, in Mandarin Chinese.

actions, feelings

在中国过万圣节 Advanced


中西, 节日, 文化, 娱乐, Halloween, holidays, customs

A Trip to the Dry Cleaner's Intermediate

Not that your ayi is a bad ayi, but her opinion that towels can be thrown in with your suit is one that will not change. We highly suggest being able to make a trip to the dry cleaner’s yourself, lest you be strangely comfy in an Italian-cum-cotton look. In this podcast, learn to discuss the mundane yet oh-so-important aspects of a trip to the dry cleaner’s, using Mandarin Chinese.

clothes, materials

A Late Knock Newbie

With 20 million people all hitting the roads after work at the same time, you just may find yourself in the position of being late. So perhaps being armed with an apology would smooth things over? In this podcast, learn how to apologize for being late, in Mandarin Chinese.

time, etiquette, greetings,

十大最俗名字 Media

每个人都希望自己有一个独一无二的名字,父母在给孩子取名字的时候会也把自己对孩子的期望放在孩子的名字里。所以在我们的周围,每个人的名字对自己或家人来说,都有着不一样的意义。但是,有的时候我们会发现有一个或两个甚至好几个人的名字和自己的名字是一模一样的。 来源链接:“中国十大最俗名字” | 媒体MP3文件

Choosing a Wine Upper Intermediate

While no one can be a smooth as Steve Martin’s character in “The Jerk” (”No more 1966! Bring us some fresh, new stuff!”), you can still impress (or offend) some with a fine choice of vino. In this podcast, learn how to talk about different wines in Mandarin Chinese, as well as learn some Chinese foods you just may never have thought of pairing with wine. Just tell us you’re not a rosé drinker.

LaoWise, preferences, food

Views on Contact Lenses Elementary

Ironic that the person sucking the marrow out of a bone at dinner would be somewhat timid about wearing contact lenses, but it happened (at least, in ChinesePodLand). So tilt your head back, pry open your mind and listen in to this lesson in Mandarin Chinese on Contact Lenses.

preferences, health

打击走私 Advanced


法律, 新闻, 社会, law, smuggling, news, crime, ethics

Playing Cards Newbie

It’s hard to keep that poker face when you face your Mandarin speaking opponents, tongue-tied. So, before you sit down to a card game, listen to this podcast on playing cards. Learn to invite some pals to put their money where their mouths are…in Mandarin Chinese.

entertainment, hobbies, ability

上海的典型建筑 Advanced


建筑, 上海, architecture, Shanghai, tour, travel, history, shikumen

Parent/Teacher Meeting Intermediate

John was emphatic when he claimed that “someone being naughty” was a listener suggestion. So we’ll (roll our eyes) trust him, just this once, and let it air. So, per (unnamed listener), here is a Mandarin Chinese lesson on a Parent-Teacher meeting about someone’s little Johnny or Sally acting up in class. Be sure and listen for John’s giggles when Jenny calls him the aforementioned.

children, personality, education

The Door Newbie

If it’s not obvious already -- we’re nerds. Nerdy enough to spend far too much money on a sound effects CD. So simply bear with us in this podcast as we listen to a door and teach you the exciting actions relating to the comings and goings through a door, in Mandarin Chinese. (Premium subscribers will be invited to the studio to join us as we talk into the fan to sound like a Transformer).

home and office, actions

Elevator Emergency Elementary

Despite most buildings here not having a 4th floor (whoooooooo), occasionally potential disaster still strikes (dum-Dum-DUM). So what would it sound like if two people were stuck in an elevator together? It’s all in the lesson, in Mandarin Chinese. So, if it happens, don’t panic—think ChinesePod.

actions, directions

富豪征婚网 Media

当看见周围的朋友都成双成对而你却孤身一人的时候,你是否会为自己的终身大事担心呢?当大量的婚介公司,职业红娘,征婚网,征婚节目,大型相亲派对来到你眼前的时候,你也许就不用着急了。可不是吗,大批的帅哥美女都加入这一队列中。杭州的一家婚介公司更是走在大家的前头,大胆地想到了这样一招——为富豪征婚。 来源链接:杭州婚介公司开富豪征婚网 会员费高达5万 | 媒体MP3文件