The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

Latest Lessons

Asking for Favors Newbie

“Some day, and that day may never come, I’ll call upon you”…if it’s good enough for Brando, its good enough for us. In this podcast Ken (an Irish Johnny Fontane) and Jenny (never sides against the family) teach you how to ask for a favor in Mandarin Chinese.


Connecting with Email Pre Intermediate

"Don't call me on my cell phone; send me an email." These are the types of relationships we have in this modern world. Learn how to cope with it, in Mandarin Chinese.

communications, internet

Invitations to Eat (original) Newbie

So… ummmm, hi… I was…ahem, wondering (cough) if you… ahhhh, are doing…anything tonight? Think that’s hard in your own language? Try it in Mandarin Chinese! In this socially awkward podcast, Ken (never does this, honest) and Jenny (doesn’t like you in that way) teach you how to invite someone to a meal. Once you put all the effort into this lesson, how can they say no?!


Buying a Computer Pre Intermediate

So you’ve succumbed to the peer pressure, and want to become more “techy”. Which means a trip to the vast computer marketplace. You know “how much” and “too expensive”, but this is only going to get you so far when sparring with those shop-owners. So, what do you say when you need to buy a new computer? Which brand? What’s your budget? Will it be big enough to store all of your Chinesepod lessons? Worry not, as in this podcast Ken and Jenny walk you through using your Mandarin Chinese to buy that new computer.

measure words, computers, shopping

Addresses Newbie

You’ve made contact via mobile phone with your friend and now you need to meet up, but can’t, for the life of you, figure out why he/she keeps saying “hao” after the numbers. Perhaps you should ask for landmarks…Listen in to this podcast and learn how to give addresses in Mandarin Chinese, as well as landmarks—a very useful technique in these cities the size of some countries!

home and office, location, address

Sending Emails Newbie

You could try and mime your way through it to ask for someone’s email address (piano fingers and tongue clicking). You could simply call them every time you needed to speak. Or, you could just listen to this lesson, where you will learn how to ask for someone’s email address in Mandarin Chinese. Good choice, now, you can use that money you save on long-distance phone bills to buy us presents (we’re a 33×34).

communications, internet, contact

Office Policy: Internet Elementary

Being spied on is no longer just a Dan Brown novel (or a Bush Cabinet agenda), so we hope you aren’t sending “romantic messages” to others from your work account. In fact, as this lesson on office policy states, you’re not paid to check your email all day (Chinesepod is okay, though. We asked). In this podcast, learn about chatting online in Mandarin Chinese.

business, home and office, internet

Surfing the Internet (original) Newbie

Think you don’t need to talk about the internet? You’re positive? Okay, tell you what, think very, very carefully about your life sans web…no email, no news, no CHINESEPOD, ye gods! In this podcast, Ken (An Irish Spicoli) and Jenny (Our Little Surfer Girl) teach you how to talk in Mandarin Chinese about surfing the internet. The Chinese love their electronics and you’ve got to fit in! Listen and this lesson will teach you how.

internet, hobbies

Mother's Birthday Elementary

Three things you don’t forget: 1. Anniversary 2. Mom’s Birthday 3. Listen to Chinesepod…Now, we can help you with two of the three (sorry, you’re on your own with #1) today. In this podcast Ken (loves his mum) and Jenny (ài tā māma) hold your hand in talking about your mother’s birthday with a friend in Mandarin Chinese. You’re sure to never forget again! LINK TO DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE (right-click, save as) : chinesepod123_B13_20060206.mp3(13.8mb)

measure words, family

University Major: Part 1 Newbie

Well, now that you’re a Chinese student, chances are you’re gonna be hangin’ with other students, so how to get in on the lingo? In this podcast Ken and Jenny take time from rushing poor pledges to lecture you in a lesson in Mandarin Chinese, teaching you how to ask someone what they are studying. And you’ll also learn how to tell someone what you want to be when you grow up. “Thank you ChinesePod, may I have another?!”


Football (Soccer) Elementary

As much as some of us (Yankee) staff would have loved to translate the “gridiron” into Chinese, we cater to the other 98% of the world that calls soccer “football” and turn it into a lesson on football in Mandarin Chinese. In this podcast, Ken (An Irish Beckham) and Jenny (A Chinese Posh) also will throw in discussing other sports and the term “boring” for those that aren’t fanatics.


Marriage and Divorce (original) Newbie

Yes, we realize that the only two things you are ever pronounced in life are “dead” and “man and wife”, but if you think that the 51% split rate is going to sway us from a lesson on the betrothed, then we’d better site irreconcilable differences right now. In this podcast, we unify spoken Mandarin Chinese about marriage/divorce with the English explanation…a match made in the Temple of Heaven. Mazel tov.

marriage, age, divorce

Hobbies: Music Elementary

While “Peking Opera” is the Chinese equivalent of haggis (few really like it, but you kind of have to try it), the rest of the music scene here will always be a conversation piece. In this Mandarin Chinese lesson podcast, Ken and Jenny teach you how to be your own conversation piece: to talk about what you like to do, and what your interests are.

music, hobbies

Apartment Hunting Pre Intermediate

So, you’ve hit the pavement looking for your flat. The real estate agent is suitably impressed with your Chinese, but what happens when he starts talking about all those rooms? Come along on this lesson and have a Mandarin Chinese tour of your potential apartment. Remember, you’ve only just begun. By the time you look at your 52nd apartment, you’ll have all these new words down pat.


Pop Music and Pop Culture Intermediate

The-artist-formerly-known-but-has-since-changed-it-back-so-we-assume-it’s-okay-to-call-him-Prince sang about “Pop Life.” Iggy loved it so much he took it on as his surname. It even inspired a form of candy that still (if mixed with Coca-Cola) will kill you. So why wouldn’t we jump on the “pop” bandwagon and talk about its influence in China? In this podcast, DJ Krazy Ken and Mixmaster Jenny do just that. This lesson will help you learn how to talk about bars, music and what young people in China like to do for fun these days, in Mandarin Chinese.

music, culture

Keeping in Touch Pre Intermediate

Where have you been? Why weren’t you home? I sent you an email, but didn’t hear back…has your email changed?! We know you’re busy studying Mandarin Chinese, but we don’t want you to forget about your old pals. In this podcast, Ken and Jenny (who just want to talk…promise!) have a lesson just for you on staying in touch. Learn about email, phone numbers, and excuses using Chinese!

time, communications, work, office, business

I'm not hungry Newbie

99.9% of us eat Chinese food before ever coming to China. So it should come as no surprise that 99.9% of everything in China revolves around a meal. In this podcast, Ken and Jenny bake up a tasty session on eating, or not, in Mandarin Chinese. In this lesson, you will hear how to invite someone to dinner, and also how to turn down politely, using the oldest excuse in the book.

food, feelings,

Finding a Supermarket Pre Intermediate

You’re more than welcome to visit and eat rice to your hearts content…don’t get us wrong, we love our rice, but there comes a point where if one more thing comes from a paddy, you might go mad in the head. In this podcast, Ken and Jenny spare you from the monotony by giving you a lesson in how to use Mandarin Chinese to ask about the local supermarket situation.

shopping, supermarket, food

Useful Phrases #3 Elementary

What could you use more than some more useful phrases in Mandarin Chinese? Well, even better than that, we’ve got some excellent high-frequency language you will wonder how you ever did without (i.e. Where is the washroom?). Listen in on this podcast, and learn some more important and useful questions and responses in Mandarin Chinese. Alas, who else could you count on to educate you in these sorts of “delicate” matters?


Useful Phrases 2 Newbie

So you’ve moved up into the Basic Level and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself…so good, you ask your non-English speaking Chinese friend how they’re doing. “Well”, they answer in Mandarin, “horse-horse, tiger-tiger”. Make sense to you? Fortunately, it does to Ken and Jenny. In this podcast, they’ll explain that aforementioned phrase, along with many other useful ones to keep in your pocket…just make sure to take them out before putting them in the washing machine.

thanking, greetings