The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

Latest Lessons

Finding an Apartment Elementary

So you’ve finally made it to China and with what’s left of the money you spent on taking us for “báijiǔ”, you decide to get an apartment overlooking the Summer Palace. Out of reach? Not at all…but you might want to be able to tell the landlord your basics…unless you don’t mind an “Eastern Toilet”. So, listen in to this podcast and learn to talk about the type of apartment you would like, using Mandarin Chinese.

accommodation, apartment, renting

Describing Travels Pre Intermediate

No doubt if you find yourself in this lesson, you plan on doing some traveling in the “Middle Kingdom”. So what better way to take that initial-journey first step than with a conversation about where to go. In this podcast, Ken (travel guy) and Jenny (travel guide) walk you through it. This lesson will help you to become versed in some of the highlights of the main cities of China, using, appropriately, Mandarin Chinese. See you soon!

shopping, tourism

Explaining Your Occupation Newbie

“So… what do you do?” While that might sound like a “Singles’ Night” introduction, we mean it… seriously (you should see our faces right now). In this lesson, you will learn how to ask someone what they do, using Mandarin Chinese. And this podcast will also help you to learn how to give a nice sounding response… and so much more.

jobs, business, occupation, work

Business Style Intermediate

Now, back home, an open liquor bottle on your desk might get you a one-way ticket to Palookaville, but in China, a little “báijiǔ” at the end of the meeting is all part of the deal. In this podcast, Ken and Jenny give a lesson about how business gets done in China. You will learn to talk about doing business in Mandarin Chinese, and the dialogue will help you not only learn Chinese, but also learn all about how important a little “guānxi” really is.

relationships, business, work

Discussing Eating Elementary

If “King and Country” are the loves in England, then so are “Mao and Mouth” here in China. In this podcast, Ken and Jenny walk you through a salivating lesson concerning eating in China…and a great dialogue in Mandarin Chinese which leads to the question of whether or not you know how to use chopsticks….which in turn leads to a tale of Ken being cheered on by dozens of strangers in a restaurant. It has to be ChinesePod.

food, ability, chopsticks, restaurant, eating

Celebration Plans and New Year’s Resolutions Upper Intermediate

How did you spend New Year’s last year? Can you even remember? What do you plan to do this year? And what do you plan to never do again? Listen in on this podcast and learn about making plans for a great New Year’s party, as well as some common New Year’s resolutions. Learn how to talk about all this and more, in ChinesePod’s last lesson of 2005.

festivals, health, party

New Year Newbie

When the countdown to midnight begins, you never know who you’re going to be standing next to. In this lesson, learn how to talk about how you plan to spend New Year’s, and also how to wish someone a “Happy New Year” in Mandarin Chinese. Listen to this podcast, and we’ll help you to not be lost for words when you see in the New Year with a Chinese friend.

festivals, New Year, holidays

Which country are you from? Pre Intermediate

A long time ago, in a lesson far, far away, we taught you how to explain where you are from in a simple way (the Dallas Cowboys hat pretty much took care of that anyway). But you have since completed that training (thanks to Master Ken and Princess Jenny) and are now ready for a deeper lesson on that subject. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about which country you are from, and which places you have been to before, using Mandarin Chinese. Where were you born? Why are you here? Where will you go? The answers lie within.

nationalities, questions

Useful Phrases #1 Newbie

With these basic sentences you’ll be able to sound like a pro even if you only started studying Chinese five minutes ago. In this lesson, learn some high-frequency sentences in Mandarin Chinese that you will find you can use every day in China or with your Chinese friends. Careful with “Wǒ lái fù qián” though – showing off could get you into trouble…


Discussing Work Pre Intermediate

You Freddie Mercury and David Bowie know about being under pressure? Did they ever have to compete with 1.4 billion other people? In this Intermediate lesson, Ken and Jenny take time out of their hectic lives to help you talk about yours. In this podcast, learn how to talk in Mandarin Chinese about pressure at work, salaries and job satisfaction.

jobs, business, work, salary

Christmas Intermediate

We know what went on at your company Christmas party which basically puts you far, far down on the list of who’s been naughty and nice. Fortunately, in this podcast, Father Ken and Saint Jenny understand that it was the Egg Nog talkin’ and have wrapped up a little somethin’ somethin’ in the form of a Christmas Lesson for you. In this lesson, learn how to express how you feel about Christmas, using Mandarin Chinese, as well as talk about the gifts you got this year. Happy holidays from all of us!

Christmas, party, relatives

Shopping Pre Intermediate

You dare to journey the Silk Road and not buy any silk? No one in their right mind comes to China and leaves with less than two extra carry-on bags. Cash or credit card? Expensive or not? In this lesson Ken and Jenny, a.k.a. shoppicus maximus, teach you about shopping in Mandarin Chinese.

shopping, credit cards

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn Newbie

You proudly made it out of the airport, into a taxi and found your way to the hotel! While you’ve been busy taking an orange out of the basket, we’ve added another to our “Traveler’s Audio Phrase Book” podcasts by aiding you and your jet-lagged self (drink water) in checking into your hotel. In this lesson you will learn how use Mandarin Chinese to explain to a clerk that you have reserved a room. Sweet dreams!

accommodation, hotel, checking in

Future Plans Intermediate

If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, surely college made something out of you, right? In this podcast, Jenny takes the reins (with Ken there to help) talking about studies, and post-graduation plans in Mandarin Chinese.

jobs, education,

Taxi Conversations: Arriving at your Destination Newbie

More “Traveler’s Audio Phrase Book” phrases in Mandarin Chinese for you. In this podcast, we tackle arrivals. When your loyal taxi man gets you where you want to go, safe and sound, what’s left to do? Think you can ignore this lesson and get by with a simple point and “okay”? Nǎo zi huài le! (See: 初级1 Mild Swearing)

money, questions, taxi

Lying in Chinese Newbie

Not that we’d ever take you for a impostor, but just in case you might need to talk your way out of something defend yourself or simply argue…all the time…like my ex…ahem. Anyway, it’s Ken and Jenny to the rescue in this lesson. In this podcast you will learn some important phrases like “you’re lying”, and “it wasn’t me!” Well, maybe you won’t need to use these phrases yourself, but they will help with understanding all those Chinese soap operas you’re likely to become addicted to.

location, questions, lying

Talking about Illness Pre Intermediate

Now, we all know when we get the flu, there’s nothing we like more than to do a little whining about it. In this podcast you will learn how to tell someone who cares about your sore throat and headache, using Mandarin Chinese. And when you do, there will be no shortage of friends sure to want to bring you some nice Chinese medicine. Open up!

health, medicine

Taxi Conversations: Suggesting a Route Newbie

Another useful lesson for your “Traveler’s Audio Phrase Book”, in this podcast we assist you in using Mandarin Chinese to suggest a route to take to your taxi driver. Unimportant, you might think? Try going from Beijing to Shanghai on the service road instead of the highway!

directions, questions,

Describing the Weather Newbie

With the northern tip touching Russia, and the southern hitting Thailand, it should come as no surprise that China, and her people, have much to talk about when it comes to climate…do you? In this podcast, you will learn to talk about the weather and temperatures in Mandarin Chinese. “Weather-Ken” and “Weather-Jen” predict a downpour of excellent Mandarin followed by light winds of Shanghai-sent self-confidence.

location, temperature, weather, daily life

China’s Supergirl Intermediate

Sure, Simon pierced many a hope with his sharp Cockney tongue, but no “Pop Idol”, nor its 1000 spin-off shows grabbed a country by its (silk) lapels and held as much attention as this year’s “Supergirl”. In this podcast, Ken (“Super Host”) and Jenny (“Super Hot”, according to your emails) chat about the phenomenon. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about movie stars, TV shows, and famous singers in Mandarin Chinese…but who needs them when you have us?
