Topics: only 总(zǒng)
Level: Upper Intermediate
Topics: only 而(ér)
Level: Advanced
Topics: only almost (as much as)
Topics: only 据(jù)
Topics: only V 完(wán)
Level: Elementary
Topics: only 其实 (qíshí)
Level: Intermediate
Topics: only both... and
Topics: only 而(ér) 一(yī)......就(jiù)......
Topics: 被 (bèi) 比 (bǐ) only
Topics: only 连(lián)......都(dōu)...... 而已(éryǐ)/罢了(bàle)
Topics: 才 (cái) only
Topics: only
Topics: 为了(wèile) only 一(yī)......就(jiù)...... 快/快要/要/就要……了
Topics: only softening commands change of state
Topics: only 不是......,就是......
Topics: after some deliberation only 明白 (míngbai)
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