Topics: expressing feeling expressing surprise telling a story wishing
Level: Upper Intermediate
Topics: asking for a reason complaining telling a story
Level: Intermediate
Topics: requesting telling a story
Level: Elementary
Topics: describing telling a story
Topics: describing feelings telling a story
Topics: describing problems explaining telling a story
Topics: discussing expressing satisfaction telling a story
Level: Advanced
Topics: describing expressing feeling giving advice telling a story
Topics: describing reminding telling a story
Topics: expressing opinions telling a story
Topics: describing problems expressing feeling expressing opinions telling a story
Topics: explaining expressing anger telling a story
Topics: describing problems expressing anger expressing purpose telling a story
Level: Media
Topics: expressing feeling expressing surprise refusing telling a story
Topics: expressing fear expressing feeling expressing surprise telling a story
Topics: expressing feeling telling a story
Topics: telling a story
Level: What's the Story
Topics: expressing_satisfaction telling a story
Topics: cause and effect telling a story
Topics: expressing surprise physical quality telling a story
Topics: concluding telling a story
Topics: decribing people and places telling a story
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