The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

Latest Lessons

Buddhism and Taoism Upper Intermediate

If you thought incense was for creating a mood and that orange robes were a fashion statement... that vegetarianism was just a California fad and nuns were only for Catholics... it's time to listen to this enlightening podcast on the intricacies of Buddhism and Taoism. Learn in Mandarin Chinese about the history, culture, and tenets of two of the most dominant religions in China.

culture, religion

Asking for a Phone Number Newbie

At the risk of subjecting our poor receptionist to an onslaught of telephone calls from Jenny fans trying out this newly-acquired language tomorrow morning, we publish this lesson on requesting a phone number. In this podcast, learn to improve your Mandarin skills by practicing how to request information. Learn how to improve your mental math skills by actually trying to memorize the 50 digit long number that gets spat back at ya!

communications, numbers

We Answer Qing Wen

How to use "why", and why to use "how''? Sound confusing? It's not! This week on Qing Wen, we answer for you a question on how to use the question words 为什么 (wèishénme) and 怎么 (zěnme). How to use? When to use? What is the difference? Listen in, then give your own sentence a try in the comments section! Why? Because we love you (and we're not just 拍马屁 (pāi mǎpì) either, we promise)!

黑老大的婚礼 Media

镜头一:看见一辆辆警车飞速开过来,车还没停稳,就有上百名全副武装的特警跳下警车,冲进一家酒楼。一会儿,十几名戴着手铐的男子就被特警押了出来,其中还有一名胸前戴着新郎花的新郎。随后又有100多名男女被带出了酒店。 看见街头突然出现这样一幕,你会觉得是有人在拍警匪片,还是警察在搞演习呢?日前在福州的街头就上演了这一幕,但这回真的是警察在抓人。而且是在婚礼上抓人。可怜的新郎,不仅搞砸了婚礼,还害了自己的黑道朋友和众多小弟。 来源链接:涉黑团伙头目办婚礼 特警包围酒楼抓获11名头目 | 媒体MP3文件

news, celebrations

Jaywalking Elementary

Though being the only one at the intersection NOT jaywalking may make you feel like you're not one of the 'cool' kids, we'd hate for you to have to endure the humiliation of having the ear-shattering whistle of the traffic warden blown in your noise-pollution assaulted ears. Listen to this podcast, and use your Chinese to stay out of trouble--or at least to come up with some lame excuses!

legal, town and city

The ChinesePod Dictionary News and Features

In this installment of News & Features, Dave and the-intern-formerly-known-as-John B seize the studios and talk for a bit about their experiences using text-based Chinese dictionaries. Then they give a brief introduction to the new online ChinesePod dictionary, and invite you to stop by and pay a visit at:

#10 Movie Madness

Under intense pressure from the guys, Amber has buckled and this week compromises her anti-Hollywood inclinations to bring you action, adventure, formula. Now, the real action is going to be who can race to her profile with the correct answer! Once again, Movie Madness takes you on a wild ride with a new prize for the contest winner. Only 24 hours to have a chance to win. Listen to the podcast for instructions on how to submit your guess! As always, the question is… can you recognize the Hollywood movie based on the audio clip?? The hosts offer their insight in order to help listeners to try to name that movie based on the Mandarin Chinese audio and three clues.

观音信仰 Advanced

在影视作品中,我们经常可以看见这样一幕。一个老和尚双手并拢,嘴里念念有词,而开头念的往往就是“阿弥陀佛,善哉,善哉!”你知道这句话是什么意思吗? 佛教是世界三大宗教之一,在中国已经流传了两千多年。而大多数人对它的认识仅限于去寺庙里烧烧香,拜拜佛,求佛祖保佑。其实佛教文化包罗万象,是博大而精深的,似乎永远都被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。有时就连我们最熟悉的观音菩萨是男的还是女的都搞不清楚。你知道观音菩萨是男的还是女的吗?

religion, culture, Buddhism, Guanyin, pilgrimage, praying

Free Association Intermediate

ChinesePod is going a little 'new age' today and encouraging you to explore your inner child. Close your eyes, let your spirit roam... you are getting sleeeepy, wait! Not too sleepy. Make sure to pay attention to this lesson on letting your imagination run wild in Chinese... you never know where it might take you. Sorrow, happiness, money, incense... steamed buns. Sound odd? Listen to the podcast, and explore the labyrinthine recesses of the human mind!

feelings, questions, relationships

What meat is this? Newbie

In a place where anything with its back to the sun qualifies as dinner, you’ll need to be “alternative” meat savvy. This lesson will save you from unwittingly eating animals you consider cute. Listen to this podcast and learn in Mandarin Chinese how to avoid mistaken meat identity. Though, don't be too apprehensive--there is something life-changing about accidentally finding out that you like cat.

animals, food, questions

假冒iPhone Advanced


communications, Apple, iPhone, cell phones

Track and Field Elementary

Think of track and field as a profound metaphor for Chinese learning: Jumping over grammar hurdles, throwing out words like shotputs, the high-jump of the leap from elementary to intermediate level... hey, when you have a good enough imagination, anything can be a metaphor for learning Chinese. Listen to this latest addition to our Olympics family of lessons, and start your training for the Chinese marathon!

Olympics, sports

"Thinking" in Chinese: 觉得 (juéde), 认为 (rènwéi) and 以为 (yǐwéi) Qing Wen

Deep thoughts? Ever wonder what girls are really thinking? Well, in this week's Qing Wen, special guest Jenny joins in as we dissect how to use the different words for "to think", in Chinese. Leave us a comment, and let us know what you think, too!

Introducing Oneself to the Family Pre Intermediate

"Meet the parents" takes on a whole other meaning in Chinese families. Now, if you can't keep track of which auntie is the elder, whose brother the rotund uncle is and whose sister the tall auntie is... or for that matter--which side is this grandpa is on, and how that lady over in the corner fits in to the whole scenario... the safest bet is to give lots of compliments about how young they all look. In this podcast, learn a lesson in Chinese charm. You'll be sure to get a dinner invite!

greetings, culture, family

Repeat after Me Newbie

Though we all wish we sounded like Jenny when we repeat after her, the old adage is true, that practice makes (well, almost) perfect. So don't give up! Put Jenny on in your headphones day in and day out, and you'll be guaranteed to be sounding more sweet and adorable within the week. Of course, if you are a man, this may or may not be a good thing... Either way, in this lesson, learn how to repeat after the teacher, in Mandarin Chinese.

directions, language, studies

#9 Movie Madness

Today's movie clip was once again chosen by Amber. John, Dave, and Jenny seem to know which movie it is, but they won't say it. That's because once again, it's a ChinesePod contest. You have to guess! Listen to the podcast to find out how to participate and what special alternative prize we're offering this week. As always, the question is… can you recognize the Hollywood movie based on the audio clip?? The hosts offer their insight in order to help listeners to try to name that movie based on the Mandarin Chinese audio and three clues.

Extreme Tourism Upper Intermediate

We like to think of learning Mandarin as "extreme language learning." It's no wonder, then, that "extreme tourism" would go hand-in-hand. What about an "extreme tourism Chinese language learning travel excursion?" Now, that would be cool. Listen in to this podcast and go on just that. (Helmet and shin pads recommended.)


How spicy? Elementary

When your mouth is on fire and the only thing within reach with which to douse the flames is a tiny cup of hot tea, you had better be wise enough to take precautionary measures. In this lesson, learn how to avoid the potentially high cost of mouth skin grafts, and take control of your oral inferno, in Mandarin Chinese. (Recommended follow up lesson: "Thirsty for Water"...)

food, preferences, questions

Lili and Zhang Liang 17: It's Over (Again) Intermediate

In the spirit of "Choose Your Own Adventure" 1980s pre-teen novels, we revisit Zhang Liang and Lili and rewrite history with a "Choose Your Own Breakup" lesson in Mandarin Chinese. Everyone knows these things don't always end prettily, so, in tribute to all the girls (or guys) you've loved before, listen in and choose your preferred ending to this story of star-crossed lovers.

emotions, relationships

My Dog Newbie

There are dogs to love (big, drooly, friendly pups) and dogs to love (loyal, best friend mutts)... hey--who doesn't love pooches? (No offense to the cat lesson.) Now, we know you've probably got a wallet full of photos to pull out and show off, but first, learn from this podcast how to throw a few dog commands and compliments around, in Mandarin Chinese.

animals, dogs, pets