The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

Latest Lessons

混血儿 Advanced


children, marriage

Help with Housework Elementary

For the record, we're a clean podcast. But every now and then we make a mess. But does a podcast listed in Time Magazine clean up after itself? Absolutely not! We delegate.This is where you learn the Mandarin you need to get that Chinese housework done.

directions, family

St. Patrick's Day Newbie

You may know about a famous Chinese "Day for the Ladies," but what about that face-down-in-green-beer-that-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time holiday involving leprechauns? You'll only know if you listen to this podcast, the source to learn about St. Patrick’s Day in Mandarin Chinese.

culture, holidays

Finding Live Music Intermediate

The experts agree: China is an emerging power. But as a new superpower, what powers will it have on the world stage? Hopefully, one of them will be the power to rock your face off! Slowly but surely, China’s live music scene is making progress. From this podcast you’ll learn the Mandarin Chinese required for finding out about live rock and roll shows.

entertainment, music, preferences

于丹西安演讲 Media

你知道孔子吗?你知道《论语》吗?你读过《论语》吗?最近,一位大学教授紧扣现代人面临的心灵困境,以独特的个性视角来解读《论语》,获得了很大成功。 来源链接:“陕西媳妇”于丹回西安演讲 | 媒体MP3文件

人物, 新闻

Emergency Call Newbie

Emergencies happen. Buildings catch on fire. Here at ChinesePod, we prefer to think of these unfortunate incidents as “opportunities”--for you to start causing a ruckus about it in Mandarin. If your Chinese is not yet up to the task, then it’s time to tune into this podcast. You’ll learn not only how to tell people there’s a fire, but also how to dial the appropriate emergency number.

communications, town and city

Tone Rule: Changes for 'bu' Elementary

While the writer attempts to interject occasional humor into these intros, he knows there's nothing funny about the word ‘bu’, especially when you factor in the rules involved. Sorry, you don't know the rules? Oh, you'll thank us for this podcast that takes away the mystery of the changeable ‘bu’ in Mandarin Chinese, then.


在中国上大学 Advanced


campus, culture, school, college, university, classroom

Closing a Meeting Upper Intermediate

You used our "Opening a Meeting" to wow 'em and just finished the proposal of your life. So you smile, put down your laser pointer and... sit down? That would be so anti-climatic! So, listen in to this podcast to learn how to end that meeting, in Mandarin Chinese!

business, government

Colored Balls Newbie

You never know when you’ll end up in the colored ball room at Ikea and want to know how to have a conversation about colored balls, but, seriously, knowing about shapes and colors always comes in handy! In this podcast, Ken and Jenny use a graphic to help put you through the training. Learn the Mandarin words for six different colors, as well as how to describe big and small.

appearance, colors

International Women's Day Intermediate

It's been said that "behind every great podcast is a great woman," and we can testify to that. So, for Jenny, Colleen, Eileen, Amber, (Aric on Thursdays) and more, a lesson on the history of "International Women's Day" is the least we can do.

government, history

房奴 Advanced


house, family, Society, rent, mortgage, economy

Ping Pong Elementary

ChinesePod loves sports, which is why ChinesePod has such a fantastic figure. So, in keeping with that “little meet-up” in Beijing happenin' in 2008, in this podcast we offer up a Mandarin Chinese lesson on that slightly popular and oh-so-exciting game of ping pong.

Olympics, sports

Calling a Supplier for a Quote Intermediate

Catching up with our Canadian businessman, he's finally getting in his groove. Today, we listen in (actually eavesdrop) as he gets a quote. In this podcast, learn how to ask for a price and talk terms when ordering from a supplier in China, using Mandarin Chinese.

business, questions, money

地域歧视 Media

没出名的人老想着出名,可名人真那么好当吗?不是名人的时候你说什么也没人管。可只要你成为名人,任何你说的话、做的事都有可能成为大家谈论的焦点。近来一位名人就遇上了这样的倒霉事,他的一句台词竟在网络上招来了一片骂声。这到底是怎么一回事呢? 来源链接:郭德纲扮演劫匪说河南话被指侮辱河南人(图) | 媒体MP3文件

方言, 人物, 新闻

Tortoise and the Hare Elementary

Granted, the names might have changed, but the story stays the same. The same story that got [Artist Previously Known as Rian the Intern] through some rough times. The least we can do is share it with you... in Chinese, of course. In this podcast, learn the Mandarin Chinese version of the well-loved fable (* moral can be applied to learning Chinese).

animals, ability

Riding the Elevator Newbie

Granted, you might get some stares for just being in an elevator, but your situation might improve if you could actually use your Mandarin Chinese to tell the attendant to which floor you're headed. Thus, the podcast. Next stop: Mandarin on Your Terms (obvious, yes, but we get away with it because we're cute).

directions, numbers, home and office, questions

Lili and Zhang Liang 10: The Other Woman Intermediate

Well, well… what do we have here? A modern-day “Harold & Maude,” that’s what. Just as Zhang Liang is having doubts about Lili, he finds himself after hours with an attractive female co-worker. Sound spicy? Wait till you hear who catches them! Oohhhhhh, ChinesePod, the Sichuan food of Mandarin Chinese podcasts!

home and office, relationships, feelings

同性恋亚文化 Advanced


Society, culture, family, gay, homosexual, sex, dating, 文化, 家庭, 社会

The Monks in the Temple on the Mountain Elementary

Did you ever hear the one about the Monks in the Temple on the Mountain? We have--in fact, the Monks in the Temple on the Mountain is one of our favorites… so much so that in this podcast we’d like to offer up a Mandarin Chinese lesson on the Monks in the Temple on the Mountain. Well, that is, unless you’ve already heard the one about the Monks in the Temple on the Mountain. That reminds us… have you ever heard… [further text removed by ChinesePod staff]

religion, people,