The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

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International Women’s Day: 2020 China Edition Pre Intermediate

It's International Women's Day again! What are the current attitudes toward women in Chinese society? How much do we recognize women's achievements in Chinese society? In this special podcast, Chi and Michelle first look at traditional Chinese viewpoints regarding women and their related idioms—女中豪杰…? How about 贤良淑德? They then discuss one of the most popular Chinese songs,《心太软》sung by 任贤齐, that talks about a soft-hearted woman. Listen to learn more, and sing along with us!

women, gender

Directions & Transportation Newbie

In this newbie lesson, we're going to show you how to ask for directions in Chinese, as well as how to say all the different directions, let's get started!

video, transport, transportation, China, train

孙子兵法—谋攻篇:攻城拔寨还是不攻自破? Advanced


Sun Tzu, history

How to Use 在 (zài) Pre Intermediate

In this lesson, we are going to show you how to use three particles 在, 正在, and 着 to express action in progress. Learn how to say "I'm in the middle of a date right now" in this episode. Let's check it out!

video, Chinese, grammar

Coffee Break Series - Airport Pick Up #1 Intermediate

In the intermediate coffee break series, we will follow the footsteps of Nick through his adventure in China. Along the way, you will learn important terms and phrases used in business settings, as well as some tips and tricks on dealing with Chinese businessmen.  In this episode, our main character Nick just arrived at the airport. Through a phone conversation, we're going to show you useful terms that you see in every airport. Let's get down to business!  P.S. The dialogue you heard in this lesson was recorded by a non-native speaker for character authenticity. However, we have also included a version in the dialogue file that was recorded by a native Chinese speaker.

video, Coffee break, business, airport, airplane, picking someone up

Chengyu Series - Say three speak four Elementary

Chengyu are Chinese idioms that consist of four characters. Although they originate from classical Chinese, Chengyu remain as an important aspect in both spoken and written language. They may seem erratic and confusing to you at first since they don’t follow the usual sentence order and their meanings depend heavily on context. But don’t worry, in this Chengyu series, we will introduce simple Chengyu made up with all the characters that you already knew, and you can infer the actual meaning by looking at the separate characters! In this lesson, let’s take a look at three Chengyu with numbers 三 (three) and 四 (four) in them!

video, Chengyu, Chinese, numbers

三文鱼皮、咖啡渣“变身”创意环保单品 Media

For people on the go, a one stop for you to learn Mandarin from the news! 听新闻,学中文。给脚步匆匆的你带来新鲜简讯!

news on the go, news, current events, technology, design

I plan to study abroad Newbie

In this newbie lesson, we will listen to a conversation between two friends talking about an opportunity to study abroad. We will show you how to say "I plan to..." in Chinese and how to express uncertainty with a particle 吧 [ba].

video, study, schedule

Coffee Break Series - 5 ways to say goodbye Pre Intermediate

In the Coffee Break Series, we focus on social etiquette in business settings. In a Chinese workplace, there are certain phrases and words that we use to come off as more polite and respectful. Along the way, we will cover some common ''How do I respond to that?" moments in the office. Hopefully, by applying the knowledge you learn in real life, you can avoid miscommunication and bring your business relationships closer. In this episode, we are going to show you 5 ways to say goodbye in a workplace. What can you say to your boss to come off as respectful and hardworking? And more importantly, how do you impress your coworkers with your awesome Chinese proficiency at the end of the day? Check out the video and enjoy your coffee break with us!

Coffee break, business, good-bye, video, etiquette, company, polite

Continued Tone Change Series #3 - Being Too Sick for Work Elementary

In our previous newbie tone change series, we have introduced the tone change rules for 不, 一, two third tones, and three third tones. Just like many other aspects in the Chinese language, tone changes are more nuanced than the rules you see in textbooks. That's why for the elementary tone change series, we decided that we would reinforce the rules with the help of dialogues that you hear in everyday conversations. Practice and familiarize yourselves with the sounds, and you'll be a tone master in no time! In this episode, we're going to learn and practice the tone change rules for 不 [bù] through a phone conversation between a concerned colleague, and someone who is too sick to move or eat. Let's check it our right now!

video, tone change series, health, sick

入乡随俗 Upper Intermediate


food, country, culture, cuisine, restaurant

Animal Proverbs: A blind cat meets a dead mouse Intermediate

Animal metaphors are prevalent in almost every language, but people from different cultures may regard the same animal differently. In Chinese proverbs, you will see a lot of animal metaphors to symbolize human actions. In this lesson, we're showing you three common proverbs related to mice. They can be directly translated to "A cat that can catch mice doesn't purr", "A blind cat meets a dead mouse", and "When a rat crosses the streets, everyone yell 'Hit it!" Do you know what they actually mean? Check out these proverbs and learn how to apply them to daily life!

animal proverbs, animals, mouse, metaphor, video

Watch out at the light Newbie

In this Newbie lesson, Joe and Joy will show us a catchy slogan which would come in handy when you’re crossing the streets, and we’re also going to learn some vocabulary about traffic lights and transportation! Fasten your seat belt and check out this video!

video, traffic, parenting

Chengyu Series - Say One Not Two Elementary

Chengyu are Chinese idioms that consist of four characters. Although they originate from classical Chinese, Chengyu remain as an important aspect in both spoken and written language. They may seem erratic and confusing to you at first since they don’t follow the usual sentence order and their meanings depend heavily on context. But don’t worry, in this Chengyu series, we will introduce simple Chengyu made up with all the characters that you already knew, and you can infer the actual meaning by looking at the separate characters! In this lesson, let’s take a look at three Chengyu with numbers 一 (one) and 二 (two) in them!

video, Chengyu, Chinese, numbers

语法课程:与其……不如 Upper Intermediate

有人说,学习讲究“循序渐进”,不能心急,要遵循规律,逐渐进步。与其急于求成,不如慢慢来,速度放慢反倒进步更大。 这节语法课程,我们一起来学习“与其……不如……”这组词语的用法!


Coffee Break Series - Making a good first impression Pre Intermediate

In the Coffee Break Series, we focus on social etiquette in business settings. In a Chinese workplace, there are certain phrases and words that we use to come off as more polite and respectful. Along the way, we will cover some common ''How do I respond to that?" moments in the office. Hopefully, by applying the knowledge you learn in real life, you can avoid miscommunication and bring your business relationships closer. In this episode, we are going to show you 5 ways to make a good first impression on your first day of work. Want to know what to say to your colleagues to come off as more polite and humble? Check out the video and enjoy your coffee break with us!

video, Coffee break, introductions, etiquette, polite

中国的职场文化 Upper Intermediate


video, jobs, work, business, culture

孙子兵法—作战篇:黩武穷兵还是速战速决? Advanced

孙子兵法的《作战篇》中有一个特别有名的句子:“食敌一钟,当吾二十钟”,“钟”在这里是一个计算粮食的单位。这句话的意思是,吃敌人的一钟粮食,就相当于吃自己的二十钟粮食。这是为什么呢?你可以今天的课程里找到答案! 这节课我们一起来研究《作战篇》的节选,看看孙子关于战争的“成本”有哪些理解!

Sun Tzu, history, literature, military, books, culture

Continued Tone Change Series #2 - Trying Out a New Restaurant Elementary

In our previous newbie tone change series, we have introduced the tone change rules for 不, 一, two third tones, and three third tones. Just like many other aspects in the Chinese language, tone changes are more nuanced than the rules you see in textbooks. That's why for the elementary tone change series, we decided that we would reinforce the rules with the help of dialogues that you hear in everyday conversations. Practice and familiarize yourselves with the sounds, and you'll be a tone master in no time! In this lesson, we talk about the tone change rules of the character 一 [yī] “one” with a useful dialogue about two friends trying out a new restaurant for the first time!

video, tone change series, restaurant, food

I am not that hungry Newbie

In this lesson, Joe and Lyn will show you a useful sentence to politely turn down someone’s invitation to a meal, and you'll also learn how to express feeling hungry or thirsty in Chinese! Let's check it out!

video, food, drinking