The Latest Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

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Five ways of seeing: 看、见、看见、看到、看出 Qing Wen

In this Qingwen, we answer a question on our forum from user lukeaz: There are so many ways to say "see", including 看、见、看见、看到、看出, how do we distinguish them? Let's check out how to use all the different ways to say "see"! Forum post:

video, HSK, study, studying, how to, synonyms

Five ways of seeing: 看、见、看见、看到、看出 Qing Wen

In this Qingwen, we answer a question on our forum from user lukeaz: There are so many ways to say "see", including 看、见、看见、看到、看出, how do we distinguish them? Let's check out how to use all the different ways to say "see"! Forum post:

Animal Proverbs: Become a pig to catch a tiger Intermediate

Animal metaphors are prevalent in almost every language, but people from different cultures may regard the same animal differently. In Chinese proverbs, you will see a lot of animal metaphors to symbolize human actions. In this lesson, we're showing you three common proverbs related to pigs. They can be directly translated to "Men are afraid of being famous, just as pigs are afraid of getting fat", "Disguise oneself as a pig to catch a tiger", and "Even though one has never eaten pork, at least one has seen pigs run". Do you know what they actually mean? Check out these proverbs with Joy and Joshua and learn how to apply them to daily life!

video, animal proverbs, animals

相见恨晚——老电影 Upper Intermediate


movies, film

Character mind map: 客 guest Elementary

In Chinese, you often encounter single characters that have multiple related meanings. This has the potential to confuse learners because sometimes it is hard to make connections between component characters and their meanings within multiple-character words. That's why we created this Character Mind Map series, where we focus on characters and the words they make up. Today, we're talking about 客 and all the interesting words using this character. Let's check them out!

video, Character Mind Map, character

How To Use Action Complete “le” 了 Pre Intermediate

In this lesson, we're learning the action complete 了 (le). Learn how to say "I had eight hours of sleep last night" or "I went shopping yesterday" in this episode! In a previous lesson, we learned how to use 了 (le) in its change of state function. Check it out to refresh your memory: How to use 了了

video, grammar, le, actions

Is learning Chinese difficult? Newbie

In this newbie lesson, you will hear one of the most common questions that you are asked as a Chinese learner: “Is learning Chinese difficult?” Your immediate response might be, “Yes, learning Chinese is VERY difficult!” But there’s actually a better response to that question! Find out what it is as you join Lyn and Joe for this lesson!

study, language, Chinese, video

Chinese Love Songs (Part 1) Journey into Mandopop

2019 HOLIDAY SPECIAL: In our first ever episode of Journey into Mandopop, Chi highlights the uses of simile in classic Mandarin love songs such as 恰似你的温柔 by Teresa Teng, and 童话 by Michael Wong. What is your favorite Mandarin love song? Leave us a comment down below!

music, popular, songs, holiday

新年特辑:回首2019,展望2020 Upper Intermediate

This is an interview between 2 upper intermediate hosts - Peony and Diana on their involvement with Chinesepod in 2019 and their plans for the new year holidays. There is no centerpiece for this lesson. 2019年已经临近尾声,每到年末,我们总是想要回顾即将过去的一年,做个“年终总结”。过去一年的轨迹真的非常丰富多彩:我们一起学习的课程涉及很多方面,有关于美食、生活习惯,还有新闻、古诗词等等。我们由衷感谢大家一年来的陪伴! 明年也一起学习中文吧!

New Year, holiday, interview

Too Many Questions Elementary

In today's lesson, we are teaching you how to ask questions using the A not A sentence structure. Practice this structure in daily conversations, but be careful not to ask too many questions in a roll though, you might upset people like the restaurant owner in today's dialogue!

video, food, restaurant, questions, asking questions

Animal Proverbs: Can't get both fish and a bear's paw Intermediate

Animal metaphors are prevalent in almost every language, but people from different cultures may regard the same animal differently. In Chinese proverbs, you will see a lot of animal metaphors to symbolize human actions. In this lesson, we're showing you three common proverbs related to fish. They can be directly translated to "You cannot get both the fish and a bear's paw", "Either the fish dies or the net breaks", and "Fish helps water, and water helps fish". Do you know what they actually mean? Check out these proverbs and learn how to apply them to daily life!

animal proverbs, animals, fish, video, culture

孙子兵法-计篇(节选) Advanced

这节课我们为大家带来《孙子兵法 计篇》的节选,或者叫《孙子兵法 始计篇》。作为孙子兵法的第一篇,计篇非常简洁、概括,重点是开战之前理论上的“计算、计划”,强调对敌我情况的分析和比较。一起来学习吧!

Sun Tzu, history, literature, military, strategy, books, culture

语法课程:“了解”和“理解” Upper Intermediate

当你向别人提出一个问题,对方可能回答:“不好意思,这个问题……我不太了解。”或者是:“不好意思,您的问题我不太理解。” “了解”和“理解”,一字之差,意思却不同。第一种回答的意思是,对方不熟悉、不知道问题的答案。第二种的意思是,对方没有听懂你的问题,你可以重复一次、或者解释你的问题。 通过这节语法课程,我们一起来学习“了解”和“理解”的用法!

grammar, vocabulary

Lesson 4 - Man or Machine Newbie

In today's dialogue, a vending machine is going through an identity crisis and struggling between being a 饭店 or a 商店, as one does. Through this dilemma, we will learn how to use the word 请 to treat somebody to a meal, 但是 to indicate a turn in the statement, and 也 to express 'also'. Let's get started!

video, HSK

Lesson 5 - Hungry Washer Newbie

Oh no! A hungry washer is eating all of the laundry! How are we going to stop him? Well the answer lies in today's lesson. Let's see how to say 'That's not allowed' using the word 可以. Let's check it out!

video, HSK, hungry

Lesson 6 - Buying Some Good Stuff Newbie

Footsteps in the dark. Whispers in a call. Oh no, something shady is going down in today's dialogue. Fear not, you can still learn some Chinese during this dubious transaction. Now, grab your popcorn and enjoy this lesson before the police gets here!

video, HSK, buying

Lesson 7 - Weather Woes Newbie

Have you ever wondered what makes it rain? In this lesson, you're going to learn how to use 给 to express 'to give' and the real cause of rain. Spoiler alert, it might be a little different from what you learned in science class.

video, HSK, phone, weather

Lesson 8 - Sister Come Home Newbie

In today's dialogue, we are going to listen to a conversation between a girl and a prodigal 'horse', and you will learn a sentence pattern to express 'to do sth. together' using 和 and 一起. Let's see what happens!

video, HSK, family name

Lesson 9 - Care For A Drink Newbie

A fight for a girl's attention between a cup and a glass has taken place. The former is an advocate for hot tea, and the latter is a spokesperson for cold water. Which side are you on? Come find out who is the winner of the girl's heart in today's lesson.

video, HSK, drink

Lesson 11 - Try Me Doc. Newbie

In today's dialogue, the doctor is disobeying her own orders by taking a bite of something she's not supposed to eat...Want to know what it is? Check out the lesson and learn the usage of 'verb 不 verb questions' along the way!

video, HSK, doctor, eating