Easy Chinese Language Courses Online
Unlimited Mandarin Chinese Online Course
ChinesePod Courses and Playlists
Newbie Curriculum 68 lessons
All the Way to Intermediate 1 31 lessons
The series is designed to be watched from beginning to end, and after each lesson, we will recommend some lessons from our library that supplements the topic and boost your learning even further. Be sure to listen to those recommended lessons on the practice tab in order to benefit most from the course (website only at the moment).
Lessons will be added to this course as they are released...
ChinesePod HSK Test Preparation 13 lessons
Pinyin Program: https://chinesepod.com/tools/pronunciation/
Say it right series: https://chinesepod.com/playlist/say-it-right/welcome/
Tone Change Series 1 5 lessons
Generally we do not see tone change rules applied in written texts, i.e. we do not see the change of tone mark reflected in written pinyin.
Precisely because of this, tone change rules are confusing and burdensome to beginning learners. To help our users to master tone change rules more quickly, we have deliberately marked the changes so that they are more easily recognized and more discernible to learners.
So join us in this newly designed tone change series, and let us know your thoughts!
88 characters with Carly 12 lessons
Daily Life 1 45 lessons
Elementary Curriculum 50 lessons
Grammar 61 lessons
Here is a selection of beginner Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to grammar in some way.
HSK Level 2 Vocabulary 34 lessons
Are you ready to take HSK 2? You'll need an excellent grasp of introductory Chinese and be able to communicate simple and routine tasks that require an exchange of information.
Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him for the listening portion of the test.
For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 2 = 300 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can use Chinese in a simple and direct manner, applying it in a basic fashion to their daily lives. In HSK 2 all characters are provided along with Pinyin.
Tone Change Series 2 6 lessons
That's why for the elementary tone change series, we decided that we would reinforce the rules with the help of dialogues that you hear in everyday conversations. Practice and familiarize yourselves with the sounds, and you'll be a tone master in no time!
Character Mind Map 16 lessons
Daily Life 2 26 lessons
Pre-Intermediate Curriculum 49 lessons
All the Way to Intermediate 2 13 lessons
HSK Level 3 Vocabulary 31 lessons
Progressing to HSK 3 Chinese Proficiency Examination?
Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him for the listening portion of the test.
This list is for any student that wants to kick start their learning and attempt the HSK 3 exam. For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 3 = 600 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can use Chinese to serve the demands of their personal lives, studies, and work, and are capable of completing most of the communicative tasks they experience in both written and oral form. This level consists of listening, reading and writing. All characters are provided without Pinyin.
Technology 1 17 lessons
Daily Life 4 22 lessons
Business Chinese on your Coffee Break 12 lessons
Intermediate Curriculum 51 lessons
Grammar 54 lessons
Here is a selection of Intermediate Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to grammar in some way.
HSK Level 4 Vocabulary 34 lessons
HSK 4 Chinese Proficiency Examination Ready? If so, you'll be able to communicate in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to speak fluently with native Chinese speakers in a conversational manner.
Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him for the listening portion of the test.
This list is for any student that wants to kick start their learning and attempt the HSK 4 exam. For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth post in the forum.
Easy Proverbs 13 lessons
One of the characteristics of Chinese proverbs is the abundance of animal metaphors. By understanding the analogies, you will learn Chinese people's perspective on different animals and what they represent in Chinese culture.
In this series, we will introduce proverbs related to animals and give them modern definitions through daily life examples.
Business 2 22 lessons
Coffee Break Series 4 lessons
Upper Intermediate Curriculum 48 lessons
Grammar 27 lessons
HSK Level 5 Vocabulary 33 lessons
Are you a Mandarin Master? The HSK 5 Proficiency Exam is for students who can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays and give a full-length speech in Chinese. You should have mastered 2,500 commonly used words and related grammar patterns. The test consists of Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension and Writing. 145 dialogues, covers 83% of the characters in HSK5.
Of 621 characters in HSK 5, 518 are covered here. The 103 characters that
aren’t covered are:
For more information on how Edsko picked these lessons, please read his in-depth post in the forum here.
Technology 3 20 lessons
Literature 1 28 lessons
Business 3 30 lessons
Advanced Curriculum 50 lessons
History 24 lessons
Politics 12 lessons
Technology 4 31 lessons
Literature 2 55 lessons
HSK Level 1 Vocabulary 41 lessons
Studying for the Chinese Proficiency Test? This playlist is meant to boost your vocabulary in preparation for the HSK 1. This lesson collection is for any student that wants to kick start their learning to take the exam.
Thank you to our diligent ChinesePod student, and developer extraordinaire, Edsko who prepared a list of ChinesePod lessons that would best prepare him for the listening portion of the test.
For more information about how Edsko picked these lessons, you can read his in-depth blog post here, or reply directly on the forum.
HSK 1 = 150 cumulative words. Designed for learners who can understand and use some simple Chinese characters and sentences to communicate, and prepares them for continuing their Chinese studies. In HSK 1 all characters are provided along with Pinyin.
66 Enjoyable Characters 9 lessons
Movies 15 lessons
Movies 2 12 lessons
Movies 3 15 lessons
Technology 2 36 lessons
Chengyu Series 5 lessons
But don’t worry, in this Chengyu series, we will introduce simple Chengyu made up with all the characters that you already knew, and you can infer the actual meaning by looking at the separate characters!
Pinyin Program 21 lessons
If you want an excellent video course focused on pronouncing pinyin correctly, check out the Say It Right Series
Daily Life 3 42 lessons
Daily Life 5 47 lessons
Business 1 49 lessons
Qing Wen - Vocab - Beginner 48 lessons
Here is a selection of beginner Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to vocabulary in some way.
Qing Wen - Culture - Beginner 13 lessons
Here is a selection of beginner Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to culture in some way.
Qing Wen - Vocab - Intermediate 211 lessons
Here is a selection of Intermediate Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to Qing Wen is one of our most popular and long-running shows on ChinesePod. We take questions from our community and turn them into helpful audio and video lessons.
Here is a selection of beginner Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to vocabulary in some way. lary in some way.
Qing Wen - Culture - Intermediate 10 lessons
Here is a selection of Intermediate Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to culture in some way.
Qing Wen - Vocab - Advanced 15 lessons
Here is a selection of advanced Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to vocaublary in some way.
Aliens 外星人 5 lessons
Chinese Medicine 7 lessons
Chinese New Year 13 lessons
Listen to this curated playlist to learn some key phrases during the Spring Festival as well as learn some of the traditions and customs. It's a great time to practice your Chinese and use some of the language we teach you.
Chinese Weddings 7 lessons
Christmas and New Year's 13 lessons
Dating 8 lessons
Dormitory Drama 9 lessons
Drinking (Lower) 5 lessons
Drinking (Upper) 10 lessons
Emergency Situations 8 lessons
Free Lesson Playlist 19 lessons
Ghosts & Mythical 8 lessons
Going To The Doctor 9 lessons
Gym & Working Out 14 lessons
I Love Spicy Food 7 lessons
Investment & Finance 8 lessons
Jokes 8 lessons
Kung Fu 6 lessons
Lao Wang's Office 14 lessons
Lili & Zhang Liang 17 lessons
Love & Romance 9 lessons
Love Tangle 9 lessons
Make Up and Beauty 8 lessons
Marketing 10 lessons
Meetings & Speech 11 lessons
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 8 lessons
Check out this ChinesePod playlist for all our lessons related to the festival so that you can learn all the language and customs you need.
You might also like this video by Fiona where we try mooncakes.
Not Feeling Well 7 lessons
Online Shopping 8 lessons
Pets 宠物 9 lessons
Politics 14 lessons
Pregnancy series 10 lessons
Qing Wen - Grammar - Advanced 4 lessons
Here is a selection of advanced Qing Wen lessons curated by a Chinese teacher. They all focus on questions relating to grammar in some way.